S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Skills

How To Have Your Cake First In Your Imagination, Then Manifest It Into Reality, Then Eat It, Enjoying Every Bite

The Power Of S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting

(The Formula for Success)

S.M.A.R.T Goals – The perfect goal setting formula teaching you how to set goals that you can believe in? How you can easily create for yourself a confidence and certainty that will help ensure that you can achieve what ever you truly want?

Just imagine for a moment the change that you will create in your life when you truly start to make things happen for yourself. Picture now, how it feels as you are setting all of your goals that clearly represent your hopes, dreams and desires.

There's So Much More To Goal Setting That You Might Have Thought

See yourself systematically ticking them off your ever expanding list as you achieve them one by one. What does the thought of this do for your confidence and self esteem? How capable do you now feel with this fantastic sense of success and achievement?

Achieving your goals in life gives you an enormous sense of satisfaction and self worth! It teaches you that you can accomplish anything.

You have value and are in control of your own happiness and are empowered to design your future exactly the way that you want it to be. Essentially goal setting skills allows you to live the life that you want by design rather than by default.

There are some very important rules to setting S.M.A.R.T goal setting, with three easy yet very important steps. Many people set goals only using a couple of these steps but very few people are aware of the secret last step.

So let me share with you the full proof way of setting your goals, that when used in conjunction with the 5 Principles of Success, lets you pretty much guarantee that you’ll achieve them.

SMART Goal Setting

Goal Setting Exercise

Step One: First of all, think of and pick the context that you’re going to be creating these goals in!

Perhaps career, personal development, relationships, health and well-being etc. If there are cross contextual goals that you know are related make sure to bare them in mind.

For instance you may have career goals that are driven by the desire to attain things for your own personal development. You may have financial goals that are intrinsically linked to relationships and so on.    

Now do a mind dump onto paper all of the things that you have ever imagined that you’ve wanted to do or to have in this context. It’s important at this stage that you do this with no restrictions, no limits and no thought for “the how” you are going to achieve them.

You may revisit this list several times until you know that you have exhausted all possibilities and everything you have ever wanted is now written down on paper.

The first step of manifestation has begun, you have pulled something out of the aetheric (mental and emotional) and it’s now beginning to take physical form.

Goal Setting Creates And Maintains Motivation

Goal Setting Create Motivation

Step Two: Now temper and tailor your goals so that they fit and work within the frame work of the S.M.A.R.T system, so each goal needs to be

Specific – So ‘I want to be more confident talking in public” is not specific. I am presenting to 60 people with the same inner confidence that I feel when.......?(the feeling you get when you do something that you are confident and passionate about)

Measurable – So think about the internal and external measure that is going tell you undeniably that you have succeeded! Maybe you feel elated by the positive peer reviews you receive?Creating Change With Effective Goal Setting

As If Now – Your goal statement must be languaged in present tense! Like an affirmation is spoken as if it is real now. “I will be speaking confidently” is future tense. “I am speaking confidently” is present tense.

Realistic – If you have lacked confidence for years and are unwilling to do anything about it but expect to present confidently and eloquently with captivating authority to a group of your peers tomorrow! Then that would be unrealistic. Your first goal would probably be all about developing the skill set that will support public speaking. Perhaps a goal to join Toastmasters and to do your first 2 minute presentation is a more realistic first step. 

Timed – This is easily covered in the formula below where you start your goal statement with the actual date and perhaps even the time that your goal is going to be achieved by. The towards what you want part just means there can be no negation in your goal, no mention of what you don’t want. An example would be “and I hardly felt nervous at all”

So an example following the goal setting formula would be....

Goal Setting Goal

Step Three: The final secret step that many people often miss, which is you need to run your clearly defined well written goal through what we call the certainty model as defined in step one of the 5 Principles of Success.

Always remember your unconscious mind will only deliver for you what you believe to be true!

If you do not yet have 100% certainty on your goal, then you can either deal with the doubt, by getting rid of the negative associations and limitations.

Or you will create a smaller set of incremental goals that are designed to lead you to the ultimate goal, making sure you have 100% certainty on that first step!

You must set yourself up for success by teaching your unconscious mind that you can have all that you want. This confidence and belief will build with every goal your deliver for yourself.

Find out exactly how this goal setting model fits perfectly with the 5 powerful principles of success. Read More Here!